6 Tips for Safe Shopping at Online Store

6 Tips for Safe Shopping at Online Store

The growth of ecosystems online store internet-based now more her request. In fact, according to data released by research bureau Frost & Sullivan, with China is the largest e-commerce market with an average growth of 17 percent annually. Here are tips on shopping online
6 Tips for Safe Shopping at Online Store

Online Store on Sites that Already Have Secure Sockets Layer

You are strongly advised to the only shop on sites or online sellers that offer secure transactions. Some sites display a ‘certified secure’ label with an online logo or certificate that appears on the site page or when you want to pay.

Beware of Phishing and Pharming

Already know what phishing and pharming term? Both of these terms refer to online fraud techniques that aim to steal personal financial information such as credit card numbers. Phishing is a fraudulent email that seems to come from a store, bank or credit card company. This email may invite you to do various things, such as verifying credit card information, updating passwords and more.

Shop at a Well-known Online Store

There are a number of major sites, including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Amazon and CNET that provide search services and access to trusted shopping sites. In addition to being used to compare, each site also has a rating system based on buyer satisfaction. In fact, there are also sites that provide reviews from fellow users. So, you can know which shopping sites are delivering the goods well, on time and right goods, and how they handle the return of goods.

Use a credit card, Do Not Debit

Here’s one great online shopping tip: use a credit card instead of a debit card. Because credit cards are usually equipped with protection against fraud, lost items and damaged goods and various other problems.

Make sure your credit card provider offers it. The main problem of debit cards, if used online, is that they are a direct connection to your bank account. If the fraudsters managed to steal their credit card numbers, the disasters may not be too big. But imagine if the collapse is your debit card.

By lexutor